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The Breathing Warm-upUse this Warm-up before every autogenics practice session, even after you have become proficient at the more advanced exercises.

Begin a process of deep breathing, exhaling to a mental count that is twice as long as you inhale. With each breath cycle, increase the duration. For instance, inhale counting, “One,” exhale counting, “One, Two.” Inhale counting, “One, Two;” exhale counting, “One, Two, Three, Four.” Go up the scale to six counts in, twelve counts out. Then reverse: six counts in, twelve counts out; five counts in, ten counts out; and so on, down to one count in, two counts out.


Phase 1: HeavinessAfter the Breathing Warm-up, begin this Phase 1 practice with your right arm. (But if you are left-handed, begin, in this as in all other exercises, on your left side.) Breathe deeply, one count in, one count out, and silently repeat the following formula—the first half of each phrase (the part before the “/”) as you inhale, the second half (the part after the “/”) as you exhale:

My right arm is getting / limp and heavy 6–8 times
My right arm is getting / heavier and heavier 6–8 times
My right arm / is completely heavy 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time

Practice this routine two or three times a day, for three days. After that, continue with the same basic routine structure but with the following substitutions:

• My left arm is getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days

• Both my arms are getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days

• My right leg is getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days

• My left leg is getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days

• Both my legs are getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days

• My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy, etc. — 3 days


The Phase 1 routine takes 21 days of practice.

Heaviness Formula:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy 6–8 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and heavier 6–8 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time


Phase 2: WarmthBegin with the Warm-up breathing exercise. Do the final Heaviness Formula with all the repetitions. (Heaviness—and the muscular relaxation it represents—is critical to the rest of the training. So you need to master it well right from the start.) At the end of the Heaviness Formula add this exercise for warmth:

My right arm is getting / limp and warm 6–8 times
My right arm is getting / warmer and warmer 6–8 times
My right arm / is completely warm 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time

Practice this routine (the Heaviness Formula combined with the warmth exercises) two or three times a day, for three days. After that, continue with the same routine structure but with the following substitutions (remembering to do the Warm-up breathing exercise and the Heaviness Formula at the beginning of each practice session):

• My left arm is getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days

• Both my arms are getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days

• My right leg is getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days

• My left leg is getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days

• Both my legs are getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days

• My arms and legs are getting / limp and warm, etc. — 3 days


The Phase 2 routine takes 21 days of practice.


At the end of the 21 days, you may use a final Heavy/Warm Formula to sum up the first two exercises:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm 6–8 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer 6–8 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time


Practice this Heavy/Warm Formula (beginning with the Warm-up breathing exercise) two or three times a day for one week.


Phase 3: A Calm HeartDo the Warm-up. Then begin the following routine which incorporates your previous work (theHeavy/Warm Formula) and adds the calm heart exercise:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm 1–2 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer 1–2 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My chest feels / warm and pleasant * 6–8 times
My heartbeat is / calm and steady 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 6–8 times

* This phrase helps to achieve a calm heart response, but it will be dropped after this exercise.


Practice this routine two or three times a day for two weeks.


Phase 4: BreathingDo the Warm-up. Then begin the following routine which incorporates all your previous work and adds command of your breathing as well:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm 1–2 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer 1–2 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm 1–2 times
My heartbeat is / calm and steady 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My breathing is / supremely calm 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time


Practice this routine two or three times a day for two weeks.

By this time you will probably have begun to notice some pleasant and surprising effects from your practice. But continue on to further refine your sense of bodily command.


Phase 5: StomachDo the Warm-up. Then begin the following routine which helps you add a radiant feeling of central warmth and peace to your body:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm 1–2 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer 1–2 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm 1–2 times
My heartbeat is / calm and steady 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My breathing is / supremely calm 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My stomach is getting / soft and warm 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time


Practice this routine two or three times a day for two weeks.


Phase 6: Cool ForeheadDo the Warm-up. Then begin the following routine which helps you add a calm, stabilizing sensation of coolness to your forehead:

My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm 1–2 times
My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer 1–2 times
My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm 1–2 times
My heartbeat is / calm and steady 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My breathing is / supremely calm 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My stomach is getting / soft and warm 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times
My forehead is / cool 6–8 times
I feel / supremely calm 1 time


Practice this routine two or three times a day for two weeks.


Condensed Autogenics FormulaBy this time you should have mastered all the six phases of the basic training. Your final condensed autogenics formula will now be as follows:

Warm-up (as in previous sessions)
My arms and legs are / heavy and warm 1–2 times
My heartbeat and breathing are / calm and steady 1–2 times
My stomach is / soft and warm 1–2 times
My forehead is / cool 1–2 times
I feel / supremely calm 1–2 times

